How to find your Twilio SID and Auth Token

How to find your Twilio SID and Auth Token

A lot of our software uses Twilio to send and receive text messages.  You will need a Twilio account for any software that we have that has SMS features. 

Click Here if you don't have a Twilio account yet.
Once you have your Twilio account, our software will need your Twilio SID Number and your Twliio Auth Token.  These two items can be found in your main Twilio Dashboard immidiately after logging into your Twilio account.

As you can see in the screen shot below, your SID Number can be found on the left hand side of the screen, while your Auth Token originally appears hidden until you click the lock button to reveal it.

Make sure you save this SID and Auth Token (or at least note where to go when you need this info).


Twilio SID and Auth Token